Verbeter het algemene bedrijfsmanagement

Waardevolle rapporten en kennis van het gedrag van melkvee

Nedap CowControl delivers reports showing trends and insights on the behavior of groups or your entire dairy herd. Chart the herd’s patterns to see how external factors and your management strategies influence the behavior of your groups and herd. Get group alerts when possible risks affect a group’s performance. Measure and evaluate the impact of (changed) feeding strategies, housing conditions and milking procedures on your herd’s performance so you can continuously strive to improve.

Nedap Health Monitoring Group and Herd monitoring

Beslissingen op basis van data op het …

Operationeel, tactisch en strategisch niveau

Use Herd Performance Trends to improve farm management at the operational, tactical and strategic levels. Stability and regularity are important contributions to the success of a dairy farm. Cows are creatures of habit and perform at their best if every day follows the same format. Any type of change in a cow’s daily routine causes stress. Stress has a negative effect on milk production, reproduction and health of dairy cows. The amount of regularity due to a farm’s management procedures can be determined by the behavior of a group of cows. Charting group and herd behavior and detecting changes or abnormalities gives you a tool to use to respond and make improvements.

Measure performance factors including:

  • The herd’s eating, rumination and inactive behavior during the day
  • The average amount of time cows spend on each of those activities
  • Their day totals regarding these acitivities
  • The variation of behavior among a group of cows
  • The variation between different groups
  • The percentage of cows eating simultaneously